
Year 7 Enrolment Information

Transitioning from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for most children and parents, bringing with it both new experiences and new challenges.

Please refer to the following links for details regarding Art Kits, Booklist, Co-curriculum, IT (BYOD Requirements), Passport to Year 7 and Uniform.

You will also find information below regarding optional Community Involvement and Instrumental and Voice Studies. Due dates and the names of staff to contact for further information is below.  Submitting forms by the due date will help us to ensure that your child’s needs are met and that their transition into the Senior School is a smooth one.


Compulsory links

Art Kit Booklist Co-Curriculum
IT (BYOD) Requirements Passport to Year 7
Uniform Information  Bob Stewart Uniform Appointments Flyer

Elective links

Community Involvement Instrumental and Voice Studies Sports Excellence Programme

Country School Bus